Use "sonneteer|sonneteers" in a sentence

1. Ahasuerus - balladeer - balladist - Bucoliast - itinerant - major poet - minor poet - modernist - peregrine - rhymester - serenader - sonneteer - straggler - symbolist - trovatore 10 letter words folk singer - librettist - parnassian - rhapsodist - troubadour 11 letter words ballad maker - minnesinger - pastoralist - peripatetic …

2. The Amourists, or love sonneteers, dwelt on the metaphysics of the passion with a tedious minuteness, and the conventional nature of their sighs and complaints may often be guessed by an experienced reader from the titles of their poems: "Description of the restless state of a lover, with suit to his lady to rue on his dying heart;" "Hell